The Musical Memory Program was carefully put together by a team of teachers who specialize in the various subjects. I had a lot of input on what to include and what to leave out.
Of course, every “subject” is intertwined and so much more could be included about each topic.
We had to pick and choose though! You can’t learn everything there is to know ever. That’s the beauty of life-long learning.
This three-cycle scope and sequence for Memory Work songs will give your kids a great foundation as they go on to study more deeply in their middle & high school years.
My recommended pacing is 1 Cycle per school year, starting around age 5, and repeating all 3 cycles around age 8-9.
Musical Memory has built in review if you use the Cycle-based program and the pacing is gentle. Alternatively, you can use our app to play songs by subject or topic.
I highly recommend looking at our coordinated booklists too!
You can purchase a Cycle in my shop OR access ALL of the songs in the Musical Memory App.
The app is free to download & there is a free trial!
Scope & Sequence
⬆️ Click the link above to download a PDF copy of the scope & sequence.